With the new Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) coming into effect in January 2019 the law requires that all the procedures that take place in a food producing/processing facility needs to be written and part of the Preventive Control Plans (PCP). If a farm sells the products only to end-users this requirement doesn’t apply, but with the farmers looking to maximize the profits for their hard work, most of them are looking into selling their products to a broader market, like restaurants and stores – in this case the farm needs to have the PCP.
We started with PCP for egg grading facilities that already have a grading permit and continued with successfully helping farms that are looking to get a grader permit for the first time. In the second case the requirements for the PCP and the implementation of it require far more work because a farm that already has a grading permit follows the Start Clean Stay Clean requirements of the Egg Board of Alberta. For more details you can always give us a call. We offer continuous support to our clients and we pride ourselves for the level of expertise the farm managers acquire after they are trained by Best Manager Consulting representatives

Best Manager Consulting representative will visit your farm/food processing facility and will have extensive talks to learn about your procedures. A general plan will be put together and you will be explained how to improve your procedures and what data need to be closely monitored. A complex plan including all your procedures will be put together and the manager in charge of your food processing facility will be trained to understand all the new requests of SFCR.
Best Manager Consulting representative will visit your farm/food processing facility and will have extensive talks to learn about your procedures. A general plan will be put together and you will be explained how to improve your procedures and what data need to be closely monitored. A complex plan including all your procedures will be put together and the manager in charge of your food processing facility will be trained to understand all the new requests of SFCR.
At the end of our work you will have the PCP for your facility and the necessary knowledge to go on with your food processing in a safer manner according to the new legislation. The PCP is specific to every single location and contains information about how your products move within the facility, how the sanitation program is executed, with details about chemicals used and procedures, how the pest program is implemented and monitored, what to do in case of a food recall and other procedures meant to keep the food safe for all Canadians.